How to Choose a Rolfing Practitioner

How to Choose a Rolfing Practitioner

Your muscles are tense and you know a massage would feel good. You decide to give Rolfing a try, but aren't certain how you will find a practicing Rolfing therapist. Try the following steps.


Check local phone or alternative health care provider directories for Rolfing therapists. Use the "Find a Rolfer" service at the Rolf Institute website. Click "Find a Rolfer" in the left bar. Complete the form to find a nearby rolfer.


Ask for referrals from alternative health professionals you trust. Often, alternative health professionals network with each other and use each other's services. They may have had rolfing sessions locally, or may know of others who have.


Ask all the pertinent questions once you contact the rolfer. Make certain she's a certified Rolfing therapist and practices the steps of rolfing. She start by asking your medical history. The session begins with you laying down and having the rolfer evaluate your body. As she works with you, the rolfer should stretch the muscles, and then realign your body.


Find if the rolfer will be following all the steps involved in the process. There are usually 10 different session sequences during which the rolfer evaluates, and then lengthens and relaxes the muscles, During the final step, she should systematically release inefficient muscular patterns.


Select a practitioner who will answer all your questions. A good rapport and comfortable feeling is important. You are less likely to relax and follow the program if your Rolfing therapist makes you nervous.


Check the hygiene of the location. Shoddy practices here may mean that the treatment will not be effective.


Listen to your instincts. If you talk to the therapist and he doesn't quite give all the answers you're looking for, move on to the next one.